Governor Spier reflects on experience, encourages girls to lead
By Mikaela Neubauer At the very start of the day at Girls State one can be sure to see a curly brunette head bobbing animatedly above the sleepy and sluggish delegates, poised to begin the day with role call. Lizzie Spier, the Girls State governor of 2014, is our well-rounded leader with a sunny disposition. […]
ROTC displays patriotism
By Morgan Fischer Patriotism plays an important role in the experience of Girls State. “It is important for all Americans to know where our country’s patriotism comes from, and why our country is built on that strong patriotism,” said Jordan Bremer, a 2015 University of South Dakota Graduate. After being offered a scholarship to attend […]
Editorial: Embrace social media opportunities
Multiple steps will be taken in the Journalism City newsroom to increase the involvement of social media and the Internet in this week of Girls State. As the Internet and social media become evermore popular not only to young people but adults as well, they are becoming better platforms for uses in the Girls State […]
Leadership class empowers female leaders
By Molly Graesser Tuesday evening Dr. Lynita Newswander offered a leadership class in Beacom Hall about the importance of women in successful leadership roles. Those who attended will receive one credit hour of college credits. “I believe in women and empowering women,” Newswander said. Newswander has a Ph.D. in planning, governance and globalization. She teaches […]
Delegates test their way to the top in two exams
By Madison Rost On Tuesday afternoon, all Girls State participants chose between a class that taught information on law and court procedures or law enforcement. Following the class, the girls took either the bar exam or the law enforcement exam. Sandy McKeown, an associate professor, taught the class on law and court procedures and Col. […]
Firman Pieper inspires
By Brianna Schreurs On Monday, the first general assembly of the week took place. Emily Firman Pieper, 1994 South Dakota Girls State governor, spoke excitedly to motivate the audience to make the most of the week. “Everyone seems to smile more when Emily is here,” governor Lizzie Spier commented as she introduced Emily. Peiper’s speech […]
Self-defense lesson taught in assembly
By Kate Finley Girls State delegates received a self-defense lesson during the general assembly on Tuesday, June 2 presented by Chief Warrant Officer of the South Dakota Army National Guard, Shane Toupal. Throughout their time at Girls State, delegates are given many opportunities to have life-changing experiences, with one being the live self-defense class. “I […]
Jackley bridges gap for delegates
By Jordann Krouse South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley kicked off South Dakota Girls State 2015 in Aalf’s Auditorium Tuesday at the second general assembly. A Boys State delegate himself, Mr. Jackley began his speech by reminiscing about his past experiences. He stressed the importance of the relationships formed at Boys State and how they […]
Sticking it out: Why staying at USD is worth it
Had I gotten my way a few months into my freshman year, I wouldn’t be writing this column right now. I wouldn’t be dreading final papers and projects, I wouldn’t be frustrated with classes I did and didn’t take, and I certainly wouldn’t be taking an extra semester to finish my degree. Had I gotten […]
USD Sculpture Walk expanding to downtown
Downtown Vermillion will get a touch of artistic culture this summer as an extension of the University of South Dakota’s Sculpture Walk brings four sculptures to Main Street. Dean of the College of Fine Arts Larry Schou saw an opportunity to give recognition to the Arts Department and commemorate the hard work of artists in a […]