How To: Check your vehicle’s engine oil
It is important to check your car’s oil often. Many mechanics recommend checking the vehicles oil each time you fill up the gas tank. I generally recommend checking it once a month, depending on how often the vehicle is driven. Also, in most cases, you should have a mobile oil change every three months or […]
Hendry: ‘Don’t spend your year alone’
I had lunch with President Abbott and a few other honors students last week. While the group of us munched chips and lemon squares, he and the younger students discussed dorm life for first years. Abbott noted how disappointed he is by how often he’ll hear of first year girls spending all their time alone […]
How to have fun during Dakota Days
There are many healthy alternatives to drinking that can be done individually or in a group on the weekends in college, and especially during Dakota Days. Dakota Days is the homecoming, or spirit week, of the University of South Dakota. D-Days is a big week and a bigger weekend for binge drinking, which causes severe liver […]
Dakotathon 2014 Coverage
9 a.m. – The 2014 Dakotathon ended April 6 in the place it started, the Muenster University Center’s ballroom with students, “miracle children” and their families all in attendance. The major reveal for the closing ceremony was the amount raised with these year’s event. Dakotathon fundraised $56,205 for the Children’s Miracle Network, $6,ooo more than […]
One state, two identities
As the oldest public university in the state, the University of South Dakota is the liberal arts college of South Dakota, as determined by a 1939 law. South Dakota State University bases its history as the land-grant university — Congress passed a law in 1862 to establish the university, which would focus on agriculture and […]
Emergency crews train throughout Dakota Days
Vermillion Police Chief Matt Betzen wants Clay County to be prepared. VPD, the University Police Department, Clay County EMS, the Vermillion Fire Department and other county emergency services will gather together over Dakota Days to simulate an emergency situation. “We will be able to respond faster,” Betzen said. “Our people will be briefed, and each […]
“Pride on the Prowl” set as Dakota Days theme
The 99th annual Dakota Days Homecoming Celebration will commence Sept. 29 and run through Oct. 5. This year co-chairs Ashley Cook and Amos Meyer looked to more student input for the 2013 theme, deciding on “Pride on the Prowl” as this year’s theme. Coronation co-chairs Courtney Solma and Taylor Vavra are re-surfacing the “Little Miss […]
MUC expansion on track for 2014
A major destination hub for students at the University of South Dakota, the Muenster University Center expansion is one of the most visible improvements being made to campus, as construction crews add an additional 30,000 square feet to the existing 70,000-square -foot structure. Once completed, the newly expanded structure will have the capacity to house […]
The art of picking a major
Think you have your career path planned out perfectly as you step foot onto the University of South Dakota campus for the first time this fall? Think again. Chances are – for at least half of you – you’ll change your major at least once in the first two years of life at USD. “And […]
Q&A: Dean of Students: Kimberly A. Grieve
Anna Burleson: So, what is the role of the Dean of Students at USD? Kim Grieve: The role of the Dean of Students is to make sure the students have the best possible experience by providing co-curricular activities and promoting student leadership and growth. We’re also here to make sure students are safe and healthy […]