Contact Us

1 min read


Al Neuharth Media Center
555 N. Dakota Street
Vermillion, SD 57061

Newsroom: Suite 130
Advertising Office: Suite 132
Editor-in-Chief: Room 130B
Managing Editor: Room 130C
Advertising Manager: 132A
Advisor: Room 151C

Email: [email protected]


Editor in Chief: 605-677-5494
Advertising Manager: 605-677-5493
Fax: 605-677-5105

2 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. May I post a picture from the April 27, 1994 Volante on the USD Archives and Special Collections blog and X (twitter)? It shows Mindy Glover and Karen Card putting a time capsule, sponsored by the USD Student Association, in a wall of I.D. Weeks Library. I will write something like “Does anyone know where this time capsule is and when it is scheduled to be opened?” The picture will be credited to the Volante.

  2. Hello, I am living in Meckling, and was wondering whether Volante is permanently archived. So that someone a 100 years from now can see what was written in Volante??

    Second question:: how much for a 1/2 page advertisement?? How much for a full page advertisement in Volante.

    Sincerely AP

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