1 min read

THE RANT: Dear Provost Staben

Dear Provost Staben,

I will be the first to criticize USD, especially the administration.

My friends know I rant about it on a regular basis. But I would never say that students who attend the University of South Dakota are unintelligent.

One of my biggest pet peeves is people who think that because we’re from South Dakota, we’re not as smart, as professional, or as qualified.

But I always thought those kind of stereotypical comments came from people who have never met the students at USD. I always felt a little sorry for those people. What a sad, small world they live in.

Unfortunately, Provost Staben, it seems you’re living in that same world.

So thank you for demonstrating that at a recent interview to become president of Wichita State when you said there was “something seriously wrong” with us.

You also stated that you “really think that the business of the university is the students. Every once in a while, we forget that.”

But, Provost Staben, the only person who seems to have forgotten that is you. Every professor I have met here has been incredible. They have been helpful, kind, and have made it all about the students.

Obviously you are not happy here. If that’s the case, please, move on. The people working for our university should be people who are passionate about the students who go here, not saying things like, “They’re not admitting the right people.”

So hit the road, Chuck. I’m sure the far more intelligent people in Kansas will welcome you with open arms.

Lindsey Van Beek, senior