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Election 2012: Perfect storm of possibilities

As the storm of the election settles on our collectively-made decision Nov. 6, we as a nation and the rest of the world will find out who will lead our country for the next four years.

However important those combined moments will be are uncertain, but history will be made regardless. Another aspect that shapes this nation is that of the untold story. Imagine a world where President John F. Kennedy wasn’t assassinated in Dallas; imagine if he had survived for a second term. Imagine the comparisons that would be made to our now-current President Barack  Obama.

On the day after the election, we will all wake up and see history made again.

Governor Mitt Romney could be our next powerful president by bullying his way through the primaries and through the general election and end the Kennedy magic that was once behind President Barack Obama. But the real question isn’t whether or not Mitt Romney can win, because there are several paths to the White House, but whether the Kennedy magic can be restored if Mitt Romney is elected. If the storm settles with the incumbent losing, the question of a second Obama term will fill the air of political analysts minds. Gone would be the hope and change of 2008, but a more realistic America would ask that magical question, what if President Obama was re-elected?

It’s quite a scenario to play out in the minds of political dreamers, but unlike Kennedy, Obama is able to run for a second term, and could quite possibly re-ignite the spark that was lost along the way, moving our country along the long march forward. The magic may already be lost, but Obama could be re-elected to his second term, ending Romney’s chances at ever becoming President.

The storm will carry us through and bring us down a path we must face. Maybe this is just an example of history repeating itself, but no matter who wins in the following two weeks, we will find out our answer. This could very well be the first time since President Grover Cleveland that a loss for the incumbent could be a victory four years down the road for a magical Obama second term, it could also be the closest challenge a sitting president has ever faced.

The next president will face a daunting task of solving problems for a nation in need. The next four years will not represent a glamorous presidency, but will represent the backbone of each party. There will not be time to control extreme agendas, there will only be time to heal our nation, to put policy in action that represents all Americans first and make the tough decisions that are necessary to diminish the threats facing our growing economy. No matter who is chosen for the presidency, we must hold them to a very high standard of presenting solutions and solving the current crisis at hand.

This November, pick the candidate that best represents you, that is best for this nation, because as a voter, you can control the magical storm of our political process.