1 min read



Here you’ll find the weirdest, funniest and stupidest things we’ve heard during the week. Context is for suckers.



“Bananas could be people, and I would be the Hitler of bananas. Bananas need to burn. That’s a really bold statement now that I think about it. But I really meant it. Nine times out of 10 I would probably say it again. The one time just being not around my mom.”

— Neuharth Media Center


“I’m in to drugs professor, get off my back!”

— Neuharth Media Center


“They do have gluten-free cake, it’s called pudding.”

— Pine Street


“Freud used Shakespeare a lot in his psychoanalytic analysis, which is sort of problematic since they weren’t real people.”

— Old Main


“I really hope Verm is ready for what’s about to happen.”

— Twitter


“You don’t know what hy-chi is?!”

— The Volante Newsroom