Standing up against the Keystone XL pipeline is about protecting the future
1 min read

Standing up against the Keystone XL pipeline is about protecting the future

I’ve gathered up the courage to voice my opinion and stand against Keystone XL and make it known.

For anyone in favor of the pipeline, I humbly ask, have you ever seen films like “Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest,” or more recently, “The Lorax?” The films are cartoon and portray when humans try to control and manipulate the Earth, something bad will happen to the Earth. There is no cause without an effect. For example, in “Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest,” an evil spirit of destruction named Hexxus was imprisoned by the Fern Gully fairies in a tree, because he was out to destroy the world.

The humans are intent on cutting down the rainforest and unknowingly free him. Hexxus, looking like the BP oil spill, commandeers the tree leveler and destroys a good majority of the rainforest before he is re-imprisoned. Now, life is not a cartoon or fairy tale, yet the point being once something is destroyed or near destroyed, its effects are difficult to predict and will eventually include everyone.

Think of oil contaminating the Ogallala aquifer, one of the world’s largest aquifers. Listing the possible the damage Keystone XL could have is endless; I hope future generations never have to struggle to survive over our decision on the Keystone XL pipeline if and when it’s completed.

– Brooke Yellow Hammer