1 min read

THE RANT: October 31

The Rant

Dear voting public,

Ladies and gentlemen, if you truly want to be scared on Halloween, find a time machine and go back and re-watch the entire campaign up to this point. Fast forward back to today, and realize the differences between the two men running to be president of our country over the next four years.

Now, realize an even scarier situation — there are still undecided


Unless you were hiding under a rock for the fear of ghosts and headless horsemen and their bayonets, there should be absolutely no reason to be an undecided voter.

President Barack Obama promised hope and change and failed to deliver, and Gov. Mitt Romney flipped his position on issues more often than a pumpkin can roll down a hill.

Yet you are still blaming both of them for their lack of decisions and commitment to a cause. Has this stopped you right in your tracks?

If it hasn’t, then it should, because if you’re blaming the two candidates for their faults, imagine the people that they have to try and please, people like you, who are still


With only six days to go until the election, make up your mind, go with your gut instinct and vote.

Even Homer Simpson can make up his mind every year. But if you can’t make up your mind, you might as well sit up in a tree house of horror with Libertarian Gary Johnson and all the other presidential


Jake Jungers,

A student voter