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Review: “Twilight” finale surprisingly good

The Twilight series has come to an end. Some people are incredibly glad that it is over and some people aren’t so happy that the five-movie series has finished. I went to the premiere of the final installment of the series, and was quite moved by it, not only because I am a big fan of the books, but because I think anyone would have enjoyed the end of the saga.

I know you’re probably thinking, “How can someone be so into movies and books about sparkling vampires and boys who turn into wolves and run around with their shirts off all of the time?” I have gotten that so many times, it’s not even funny. Trust me, it’s a girl thing.

Kristen Stewart actually did a decent job, acting wise. She added more facial expressions than the other 4 movies combined, which is a great step up from her usual slightly-gaped mouth expression, because up until the first Breaking Dawn movie, I thought they should have gotten a different actress to play Bella. All of the other actors and actresses did a remarkable job throughout the movie as well.

The cinematography was well done and Bill Condon did a masterful job directing. The only thing I noticed was that the baby looked unrealistic. Other than that, I give the movie two thumbs up. The film brought in $600 million dollars worldwide, and $341 million on the opening weekend.

The movie begins where the first part left off. Bella is now a vampire and she and Edward have a half-human, half-vampire daughter named Renesmee. Life seems to be going well, until one of the Cullen’s cousins, Irina, tells the Volturi about Renesmee, mistaking her for an immortal child. Immortal children are uncontrollable and are outlawed by the Volturi, the reigning vampire clan, so the Volturi set out to destroy the Cullens and Renesmee.

The Cullens gather different vampire clans from around the world to help prove that Renesmee is not an immortal child and an epic battle is started over a misunderstanding. After the battle is over and I’m bawling my eyes out — we find out that it was just a vision that Alice had and the whole thing wasn’t real. The directors added the scene in and it wasn’t in the book, but I have to confess, I liked the twist.

The movie ends on a calmer note, but I won’t spoil any more surprises.