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BLOG: This girl got a job

Folks, I have good news. I got an internship for the summer, and the Earth will continue to rotate and everything will be fine.

To be honest, I was worried for a while. I was panicking that I would have to live at home with my mother for the summer, or even worse, stay in Vermillion. I even got so desperate that I was looking at bartending jobs in Yankton and wondering about how much I could get paid to be a medical test subject. There was always the fast food job option, but after working at Dairy Queen for three years in high school, I’d rather live in a cardboard box than go back to that life.

But it’s all going to be fine now because I got a job. I will be working with the State Parks Department and living in Custer State Park as their “social media intern.” The title makes it sound like I’ll just be running their Facebook page, but I’ll also be jumping and climbing over rocks and trees to take photos and make videos.

I’m basically getting paid to be a wingman, and I couldn’t be more excited.

I’m nervous though. While the Volante is a huge time-consuming monster that can be stress inducing and frustrating, I kind of love it because I know what I’m doing. It’s what I’m used to, and as I’ve said before, change is terrifying.

What if I’m bad at being a social media intern? What if I don’t have ideas that are interesting and inventive? What if I don’t live up to their expectations?

My plan is to just close my eyes, grit my teeth and fake it until I make it. I feel like I have a lot to bring to the table, and I hope they can see that. As usual, I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing in life, so here I sit, chugging coffee (with an extra shot of espresso) and blogging about it.

So if you’re anywhere near Custer this summer, stop by and see if I’m failing miserably or not.