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BLOG: Views on religion and the like

In this article I’d like to speak to you directly. What I am about to say will contradict what you have taken to be true. I pray you will hear me out.

I am a seeker of truth and this is what I have found to be true. If one does not open their ear to truth or does not seek truth then ones life is meaningless. I now begin on the topic of religion and God, which is a topic of utmost importance to our everyday existence.

My first desire is to tell you what religion presently is and then give a solution to the problem.

If we truly look with an objective eye, we notice the individual creates meaning. This meaning becomes our purpose for living here on Earth. This willing of a truth and future is a creative act driving individuals/cultures onwards. This is essentially a projection. In every projection there is a self to project. The problem with religion is that we forget (and get lost) that we were the creators of the metaphors we used to describe existence. In other words, we take the images of our self as a real external object. Self is the source and ego is the projection.

All that is embodied in concepts like Satan, God, angels and other worlds are simply ourselves viewed through different lenses. God is a reflection of man, but we do not see it this way; we take the projection, the image, to be real as opposed to the real thing, which is the self. The self that does not know itself takes what is other than itself as belief. These beliefs regarding God have no reality other than what we give to them. In truth the world is empty of the meaning we give to it. We obtain meaning through willing into the future of our self. In three words, we are God.

Religious belief is a world-view, a fiction used to explain our present existence. Above all, it is a consolidation used to comfort suffering people.

Everyone has their own religion, their own perspective. We use beliefs about God to feed our emotions and feelings. We feel personally attached to these beliefs; hence they are merely subjective. Truth does not need your support, because it is sufficient unto itself.

A priestly class and other institutional frameworks spread false doctrines so they can control you. Any one who gives you a belief system is your enemy.  Individuals lose their sovereign identity by attaching to impositions from the outside. By believing religious constructs, which have no reality apart from people’s belief in it, one becomes a tool rather than having ones own mind. Furthermore, you begin to act based off this false basis. You do not let conscience be your guide. You begin to listen to others outside of yourself. For sure, you are lost.

Contrary to what one may think regarding my views on religion, I will point out my reverence for the wisdom and insight contained in the Bible and other holy books. It says in the bible, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). Of course, this can be interpreted in many ways, but I’ll use it in my own particular way.

Nowadays the image of our beastly self lines the pages of magazines and TV. Money is supreme, the golden calf. We are now building a tower towards God, yet, in the end, our search is futile. In short, we worship externals and not our true self, the true God.

Politics revolves around money and jobs, but not principle. No longer is virtue and lofty thinking valued, for money is the determining factor of all decisions. Rather than powerful and effective ideas ruling decisions, money is lord and god, the arbiter of all decisions. When the people only act on the promptings of money, instead of a sense of social responsibility, then the culture will definitely be coming to an end.

Man is so far removed from his true self. All has become fake, a sham, thus man is a sham – all is a mask to cover yet another mask. Man is ill at ease, unable to relax and enjoy life. Living always for the future, living always to support ourselves through money, we live a neurotic lifestyle – a lifestyle where one thinks going to the zoo is getting in tune with nature.

None of modern living is real. We have forgotten what real is. Ignorance is lauded as supreme for it is profitable and it maintains safe routines. Conforming to the crowd, man becomes an abysmal nothing. Man, to fill his void, will do all sorts of things contrary to his nature. He wants to be something he is not. The lies of media are debasing what it is to be human.

Understanding the nature of self is pivotal in changing oneself. One cannot fix or replace an engine if one is ignorant of its processes and components. The self is constituted upon attachments to sense experience and all feelings, emotions, and thoughts arise therefrom. As conditions change externally so do we, therefore it is said we are a slave to cause and effect and cannot be truly free. Nevertheless, by focusing our attention inwards, observing what is happening to the body and mind we can decouple our self from our attachments to the world, thereby ending suffering. The end of suffering means peace.

The solution of this age is meditation. Meditation brings awareness to one’s life so one can awake from his or her dream world. The self that sleeps at night is the same self awake during the day. At night we are deceived by our dreams, and so too is it when we are technically awake. The fact of the matter is people don’t wish to face actuality. When reality is seen as it truly is there is no ego there. Ego masks what is actually present for its own wish of what is real. For most this is scary, since we are so invested in our egos.

Authentic understanding of consciousness is its uncovering of itself through its experience in a world in which it acts. Through the will of consciousness the self comes to know itself. Experience is the maturing tool of existence. Consciousness becomes aware of its own unity with that which it once thought of as separate (the so-called external world). Yet, there is no awareness of this truth without meditation.

In tandem with meditation is the understanding that humanity needs a new one-world religion. We are now united in ways unfathomable. As a result, we need something to connect all us into one unifying perspective. It is best to dissolve divisive religions into a religion of sincerity, wakefulness, and compassion. There is little reason to hold onto our differences, our hates and greed’s. Rather than see what we want to see, let us just see what is actually real. What is actually real is that we are here together and we might as well make the best of it. All this war and conflict is madness.

There is no need to pledge allegiance to particular nations or creeds. What we really need is to return to ourselves. We are what is real. Our allegiance and love should be for ourselves and to nature. Nothing is separate from our selves and we are as much a part of nature and others as they are to us. We, right now, are the experience of all that has passed. This is the way of a healthy individual and a healthy world.