1 min read


Dear S.D. Board of Regents,


After the Board of Regents announced a 4.4 percent increase in tuition and fees for the 2013-14 school year, all I could do was shake my head.

For a state so desperate to bring in and retain students at its universities, you would think the Board would think twice before increasing the amount it takes for in and out-of-state students to attend. As far as I can remember, the key hook South Dakota schools had was how affordable they were.

However, year by year it becomes less and less plausible to get an education in-state.

Don’t be surprised if  more students begin to stray away from staying in-state, figuring they can get a better education for the same cost elsewhere.

If South Dakota is going to continue these increases each year students are going to need to see an equal increase in all-around quality, something I have yet to witness.

—Austin Ashlock