BLOG: Tips to staying healthy in last few weeks of school
With less than a month until graduation and summer vacation, it is pretty hard for some of us (including me) to not just check out and fast forward to summer mode. Some do it because they simply don’t care and others do it to ignore the on coming stress that is finals. So how does […]
BLOG: Ode to the coffee people
It’s very clear to anyone who even knows me remotely that I have a coffee addiction. It’s the elixir of life and it’s amazing. I can drink it black, with cream, with sugar, or with bacon for all I care — as long as it’s coffee, I’m happy. As a result of this, I interact […]
BLOG: Napping arachnids and the plights of adulthood
If college has taught me anything, it’s that growing up is a difficult process. There isn’t always someone there to give you a hug when something is wrong, there are a lot of people expecting a lot from you and there are very real consequences if and when you drop the ball somewhere along the […]
IN THE KNOW: IdeaFest hosting Astronaut Mark Kelly, who will give a speech at 7 p.m. April 10 in Slagle Hall, Aalfs Auditorium called “Endeavor to Succeed.” Nothing is cooler than an astronaut. IN THE DARK: The weather. Warm weather disappears as cold temperatures, rain, ice, wind and even snow will take over South Dakota. […]
Dear S.D. Board of Regents, After the Board of Regents announced a 4.4 percent increase in tuition and fees for the 2013-14 school year, all I could do was shake my head. For a state so desperate to bring in and retain students at its universities, you would think the Board would think twice […]
Here you’ll find the weirdest, funniest and stupidest things we’ve heard during the week. Context is for suckers. “Since I moved out of my house, my brother not only became an atheist, but also a Democrat… which is even worse.” — The Commons “Now would be the worst possible time for a fire […]
COLUMN: Finishing the year strong requires plenty of attention
Students are preparing for their summer plans, whether it be jobs, internships or fun vacations. But what they need to realize is that class is still in session, and although summer is an exciting near-future thought, we must focus our attention on the present challenges we are facing. Springtime can provide a perfect excuse for […]
COLUMN: Culture needs a change, not just coaches
A week ago, a disturbing basketball practice video of Rutgers University Men’s Basketball Head Coach Mike Rice was released by ESPN’s “Outside The Lines.” The video showed Rice blatantly grabbing, hitting, kicking and verbally abusing his players during practice. The video sparked national debate about coaching practices in athletics today. It is a debate worthy […]
COLUMN: Making a wise housing decision is important
It’s that time of year again. Procrastinated assignments are due, and it is time to figure out where you are going to live next year. Many students will face the daunting task of moving off campus, and most are not ready to do so. Speaking from experience, most people will make some mistakes in their […]
COLUMN: Entertainment decisions need more student input
When I learned Travis Porter was coming to the University of South Dakota, I was surprised. Not only did I not have a clue whom this was, but I wasn’t aware that this was someone who students wanted to see. Needless to say, I felt out of the loop! I assumed I was caught up […]