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BLOG: Tips to staying healthy in last few weeks of school

With less than a month until graduation and summer vacation, it is pretty hard for some of us (including me) to not just check out and fast forward to summer mode. Some do it because they simply don’t care and others do it to ignore the on coming stress that is finals.

So how does one get through this stressful time and not just throw in the towel? As a senior ready to graduate, let me tell you, it is hard.

Believe it or not, your health and wellness play a big part as a stress reducer. My first bit of advice is to make sure your eating stays healthy and consistent. I am guilty of turning to delivery and quick, easy foods at a time like this. A balanced diet is going to keep you energized and feeling good about yourself.

I cannot explain how important an exercise routine is when you are stressed out. It is the most potent, yet underutilized antidepressant. It releases endorphins that make you happy and can even clear your head.

If you are feeling stressed, depressed or distracted, a good workout can fix that easily. I have always said running is cheaper than therapy. If something is bothering me, I go for a run, hit that runners high and I finish feeling like nothing can stop me.

It doesn’t have to be a run either — just some sort of activity. Playing on an intramural softball team makes me happy because I am having fun, being active and hanging out with friends. It’s not so hard to sit down and study for awhile after that.

Not only does exercise relieve stress by making you happy — it clears your mind. If writers block is stopping you with that final paper, you’re lacking creativity for a final project or you can’t focus on studying because you are just too distracted, exercise is the key. Getting out of the library and being active will get rid of that stir-crazy feeling you’ve got. Play some basketball, go for a run or climb the rock wall in the Wellness Center and come back to studying and homework with a clear and refreshed mind.

And don’t forget to get some sleep. One reason students are so stressed is because they are not rested enough and their brain is running on empty. Exercise will definitely help clear your mind, but sleep deprivation will make it harder. If you take a nap instead of working out, your sleeping schedule will be screwed up, you’ll stay up late and barely be alert in the morning. Enough sleep means a rested body and healthy mind, so you’ll be kicking butt for these last few weeks of school.

My last piece of advice is to make it these last 20-something days (not that I’m counting) is to allow yourself to relax. Stop studying to watch a movie, order that pizza and have a game night with your friends. Letting go for a few hours is going to be the best way to reduce stress for the final days of the semester. If that summer feeling is kicking in and you would give anything for the carefree (and homework free) vacation, self indulge in that feeling by relaxing for a few hours and then get back to work. The summer will be here before you know it.