BREAKING: Tordsen and Santjer next SGA executive team
This is a developing story and updates will continue
Tyler Tordsen and Dustin Santjer were elected the next president and vice president of University of South Dakota’s Student Government Association.
After two days of voting, the polls closed at 8 p.m. The candidates were held in an unknown location to be told the results.
Tordsen is a senior from Rapid City, S.D. studying political science and economics. He is a member of Lambda Khi Alpha, the Dignities Position for Dakota Days Executive Board, Advisor role in fraternity and Tiospaye.
Santjer is a freshman from Aberdeen, S.D. studying finance and political science. He is a member of Delta Tau Delta, works in technology sector for Coyote Capital Management and manages public relations for Inter-fraternity Council.
The new SGA term will begin after Spring Break.
“We are thankful to have been able to serve you for the past year and thankful for the unending amount of support we have received from you. We are so grateful to have met nearly all of you (Clay is USD’s social juggernaut!) and hope to still meet you if we haven’t,” SGA President Erik Muckey wrote in a column for The Volante.
Tordsen and Santjer ran against junior Jess Peterson and sophomore Bill Belch.