Gay stereotyping fueled by societal standards
Michael Sam was drafted into the NFL twice — once by the St. Louis Rams and then by the Dallas Cowboys, being cut from the team both times. Sam is openly gay, a fact that has caused a huge storm of emotion in the football world — both good and bad.
Of course, most people do not perceive football players as gay since they are easy to stereotype as what a “straight” person looks and acts like. But being gay does not make a man any less of a man. Being gay has nothing to do with what a person likes to do.
Being gay, lesbian or any other sexual orientation means a person is attracted to whoever they are attracted to. Additionally, there is no such thing as an object or concept being “too gay.” Rather this is just a person being ignorant and rude. Being gay should not define a person.
This cannot be a simpler idea, but it’s amazing how people can be so fast to stereotype others. This goes beyond sexual orientation. Race, gender, religion — they all play a role in the ignorant mindset portrayed by others.
Just because a man is attracted to other men does not mean he should have to abide by the stereotypical “norms” set by people that let others know he is gay. Everyone should be able to do as they please.
There are a number of stereotypes affiliated within the gay community. People use “gay” as an insult daily, often times referring to someone as being “unmanly” or “feminine.” This is outdated, and overall it’s childish some people still say things like this.
So some guys don’t like sports. Does it really, truly make them any less of a man? It doesn’t, which is why a player such as Sam should be able to come out and showcase to the world it is wrong to assume this about gay men. Just because Sam is gay does not make him less of a football player.
Sam has to be talented, considering the fact he was drafted for two NFL teams. Players are not just randomly picked to be an NFL star.
Even though he is not in the NFL — although he very well could be — Sam was almost named the first openly gay NFL star, which is an amazing and progressive reality.
People need to accept others’ likes and dislikes, and assumptions made based on such things should be put to a stop. A person’s sexual orientation should not define them.
Sam should be remembered for taking a stand against societal norms and being himself. While he is contributing to breaking down stereotypes, he is also showcasing what he is all about — being a great football player.
Judging others based on typical assumptions needs to end because everyone is different. No one should be defined by who they are, and no one needs to associate with a certain “label.”