Pinterest fitness ideas perfect for winter weather
Before I started this blog, just about anything was a good enough excuse not to workout.
“I’m too out of shape to go to Zumba,” I would think. Or, “I haven’t eaten anything yet today, I’ll go to the gym after lunch,” which would then be followed by, “I’m too full. I should let this food settle before I go exercise.”
Now, with a weekly deadline hanging over my head to keep me accountable, I have to be a bit more creative when winter weather hits and motivation is lacking.
As many do when in need of some creative inspiration, I took to Pinterest. I’ve had a fitness board on Pinterest for a couple years now, and it’s usually where good ideas go to die.
This is where I pin smoothie recipes for the day I get a blender, bedtime yoga routines for the day I have a bigger-than-twin-sized bed and various 30-day challenges for the day I can coincide such a commitment with an appropriate month.
“But not today,” I thought to myself as I logged on. “Today, I’ll pick an idea and actually try it.”
I searched things like “cold weather workout,” “living room workout” and “dorm room workout.” After about 20 minutes of being distracted by the latest exercise clothing and earmuffs that are also headphones, I started finding 15-minute-or-less routines that used little to no space or equipment.
Eureka! One link lead to another, which lead to a YouTube channel, which led to a 10-minute standing ab workout. This led to high knee chops in the living room and hoping none of my roommates would happen to walk in on me.
It was no barre blast, but it was just enough of a workout to get my heart pumping and to feel a bit of a burn.
Considering I managed it in the comfort of my own apartment and in such a short amount of time, I have a feeling Pinterest will play a big role in my fitness journey now that temperatures have tanked.
Thanks to the Internet, there are all sorts of workout options. As long as I don’t get distracted by cute yoga pants and fancy weight-loss apps, my days of weaseling out of workouts are over.