Society paints beauty in an unrealistic light
The emphasis on beauty and fashion for women has reached outrageous proportions over the past few years and has gotten a bit out of hand.
Companies have been called out on editing photos of women and molding them into something they think is more aesthetically pleasing to produce a better profit, erasing the physical imperfections of the ladies who model their products.
However, the public is not always aware of these enhancements, which leaves several feeling vulnerable and thinking their own natural beauty is not good enough.
We have a problem on our hands, and women and teenage girls alike have begun aspiring to be something that is unnatural and unhealthy.
They start to notice flaws in the mirror and run to the nearest store, desperate to buy something that will make them look more like the models in fashion magazines. These stores are more than happy to supply their needs and to see their products flying off the racks and counters.
Whether it is right or not for these businesses to prey off of the insecurities of others is a topic of popular debate. To put it in general terms, the truth lies in the eye of the beholder.
In the business’ perspective, it is apparent they believe it is all right to do what needs to be done in order to increase profits. However, as a woman in a society focused intently on self-image, I believe otherwise.
Businesses shouldn’t be making profit off of the insecurities of others. It is unethical. Instead of photoshopping their models, they should be promoting natural beauty.
Women shouldn’t have to feel like they have to wake up two hours earlier in the morning just to put on a face full of makeup. Unfortunately, it happens here at the University of South Dakota.
In a 2013 article from the Business Insider CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch, Mike Jeffries was quoted claiming his company would only market to “pretty people” because they were the only ones who mattered.
“It’s almost everything. That’s why we hire good-looking people in our stores. Because good-looking people attract other good-looking people, and we want to market to cool, good-looking people. We don’t market to anyone other than that,” Jeffries said.
This is very upsetting to read. I honestly cannot believe a businessman would rather limit his company’s marketing demographic in an effort to only sell to “good-looking people.” It is insulting, and it drives home the message that women have to meet a certain standard to fit in.
All women need to realize they are naturally beautiful without having to hide behind a wall of makeup they put up to protect their fragile self-image. By conforming to standards set up by some media and businesses, we are giving them what they want. It is important to be aware of the effects the business world has on women and not let them dictate the way we live our lives.
I know being able to get up in the morning and arriving to class in a messy bun on those off days is the best feeling in the world. The lazy factor can be especially high after pulling all-nighters for classes with heavy course loads.
Our mothers, sisters and friends are constantly being targeted as a demographic by numerous businesses and are viewed as nothing more than a piggy bank from which to draw money from, and that is downright outrageous.
Instead, we should be complimenting our mothers, sisters and friends. We should let them know they are beautiful on the inside and on the outside. No amount of makeup or designer clothing is ever going to change that.