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Thune Pushes Legislative Approach To Handling Net Neutrality

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — South Dakota U.S. Sen. John Thune is pushing for a legislative solution to Internet regulation after the Federal Communications Commission votes on its rules as part of the so-called “net neutrality” debate.

The commission will vote Thursday on whether to put Internet service in the same regulatory camp as telephone communications.
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Thune says the FCC proposal is “an unprecedented power grab” that will end in litigation.

Regulators say the goal is to prevent service providers from creating paid Internet “fast lanes.”

Thune has a proposal that he says that protects consumers without “heavy-handed” regulations that would come with the commission’s rules. He says he wants to re-start talks with Democrats about the plan after the commission’s vote.

Opponents of Thune’s proposal say it doesn’t adequately safeguard consumers.