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House Approves Plan To Audit Candidate Nominating Petitions

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — The state House has approved a measure allowing the Secretary of State’s office to audit a random sample of voter signatures from statewide candidates’ petitions to get on the ballot.

The House voted 68-0 to send the measure to Gov. Dennis Daugaard.

Republican Rep. Jim Bolin says the 2014 election cycle inspired the revisions. At least two candidates were accused of election law violations in the race for U.S. Senate last year.

Under current law, the office has the authority to review a random sample of signatures from voter ballot measures to determine their authenticity.

But the office can’t check the accuracy of signatures on the nominating petitions of statewide candidates. Secretary of State Shantel Krebs has said the focus is on governor and U.S. Senate, not legislative races.