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Sioux Falls Considering Temporary Moratorium On Billboards

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — City officials in Sioux Falls are considering putting a moratorium on billboards until they can figure out a way to make everyone happy with a new zoning ordinance.

The Argus Leader newspaper reports ( ) that the ordinance enacted about a year ago has enabled businesses that move off the city’s main commercial corridors to move billboards with them.

City Planning Director Mike Cooper says that has prompted some complaints from people who don’t want billboards in their neighborhoods.
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Cooper’s office is working with the city attorney’s office on putting a three- or four-month moratorium in place to come up with ordinance amendments to address concerns.

Cooper says his office wants to put together a group of residents, sign industry officials and city staff to work on amendments.


Information from: Argus Leader,