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Arts Center In Rapid City To Unveil 2 Oscar Howe Paintings

RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) — A performing arts center in Rapid City will be unveiling two paintings from renowned artist Oscar Howe later this month as part of its forthcoming project dedicated to Native American artists.

The Performing Arts Center of Rapid City says it’s unveiling two Howe paintings that are worth an estimated $40,000. The paintings, “Iktomi” and “Heyoka Dancer,” are the inspiration for the Oscar Howe Project.

The project will live permanently in the Commons of Rapid City High School and will feature both Howe paintings and a regularly rotating piece by a Native American artist.

Howe grew up on the Crow Creek Sioux Reservation. He received a bachelor’s degree from Dakota Wesleyan University, was a professor of art at the University of South Dakota and became South Dakota’s Artist Laureate in 1960.