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Snow Storm In Dakotas Breaks Records In Rapid City

RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) — A record-breaking winter-like storm is continuing to impact parts of the Dakotas, though warmer temperatures as the week progresses are likely to quickly melt the new snow.
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The National Weather Service has posted winter weather advisories and warnings for southeastern North Dakota and north central South Dakota, with another couple of inches of snow and strong winds expected. Travel could be hazardous.

The snow dumped more than 8 inches of snow on southern North Dakota and more than a foot on western South Dakota’s Black Hills over the weekend. It broke daily snowfall records in Rapid City on both Saturday and Sunday.

High temperatures are expected to climb into the 50s, 60s and 70s starting Tuesday. Weather Service meteorologist April Cooper says the moisture will help dampen wildfire concerns.