Coyote Crazies focus on increasing student interest in USD athletics
Attendence woes have been a big concern for USD athletics in the past, but one student organization has been taking the initiative to increase student activity at university athletic events.
Their name has always hung proudly above the football student section, but their impact hasn’t been felt until they came together just two years ago. Now, the Coyote Crazies are trying to make Coyote gameday last beyond the halftime buzzer.
“This year we are trying to bring students in and make them feel welcome,” junior Mackenzie Huber said. “For example, it may be with hosting different events with free food here and there as incentive for being a member. We’ve worked with athletics promotional teams to provide other incentives for going and staying at the games.”
The Coyote Crazies are a growing student organization at USD. The organization has grown every year since it formed, and they expect the same increase to happen again this year, Huber said.
The Crazies feel a pressure to keep growing and keep trying to new things. Their successes directly translate to a more exciting game to keep the privileges that they are receiving from the university and the athletics department.
If the group keeps growing, the likelihood of impressive crowds at games keeps growing.
One thing that has driven involvement in the organization is the chance to be first in line for game tickets. When large tickets lines flood the Muenster University Center for football games such as Dakota Days or SDSU rivalry games, Coyote Crazies have usually already picked theirs up.
“Many students may not know about the Crazies yet, but for only $15 you really can’t go wrong. The line for football tickets is way, way shorter when I go too,” junior Joe Mazour said. “You can’t beat it.”
The Crazies are also the only official student section organization at USD. Every home football game is a section marked off for the members of the Crazies to sit and stand during the game with their fellow peers.
The price is $15 this year to become a member, which is the same amount as it has cost in the past.
The organization usually has a table or area at every home football game with certain items for sale that anyone can buy. The Crazies have their hand in all things Coyote sports, but in the end, their mission is to make the student gameday experience a little more enjoyable.
“As a freshman member, there are many things I like about the Crazies. For me, I especially like being in the student section for football games,” Jonathan Lewis said. “It is always a fun experience.”