SGA to partially fund water bottle refill station in library
The Student Government Association voted to partially fund a water bottle refill station during its Nov. 3 meeting.
Senate Resolution No. 7 calls for SGA to give $1,250 from its reserved fund to the I.D. Weeks Library for the implementation of a water bottle refill station.
The debate on this resolution has been ongoing for the past few weeks.
The discussion during the Nov. 3 meeting began with Senator Chelsea Gilbertson, the creator of the resolution, talking about its importance.
“It’s a one time thing,” Gilbertson said. “We wouldn’t do it for any other building.”
The resolution met some opposition from other senators.
“I don’t think it’s fair to just fund one building,” Senator Madeline Molseed said. “I think it’s a good idea, I just think others will start coming to us for funding.”
The Senate also discussed ways to encourage other buildings to implement the refill stations.
Gilbertson plans to write a resolution on that topic eventually, she said.
“I think the resolution to encourage all buildings will be enough,” Senator Jordan Hanson said.
Senator Diego Marquez was also in favor of the resolution’s passing.
“We want to be known for doing something on campus and this is a great way to do this,” he said. “This is a great way to get the ball rolling.”
Many senators that were opposed to the resolution said its passing would lead to other buildings wanting funding.
Senator Joshua Arens disagreed.
“The slippery-slope debate is ridiculous,” he said. “We can say no to other buildings that ask for funding.”
After moving into a second round of discussion, the resolution passed 14-9.
SGA President Sami Zoss concluded the discussion by announcing that four new water bottle refill stations will be implemented by 2017. Zoss said it was a part of the maintenance and repair presentation to the university budget committee.