Costumed senators vote on bills and resolutions at weekly SGA meeting
At this week’s very festive day-after-Halloween Student Government Association meeting, senators handled their weekly business while in costume.
The association’s meeting included resolving unfinished business and calling attention to new topics.
The unfinished business included a special allocation to Lambda Pi Eta and to the Pre-Occupational Therapy club.
New business included the swearing in of new senators, Latin American Student Organization (LaSO) special appropriation and senate resolution No. 19, a resolution supporting gender inclusive facilities at USD.
Lambda Pi Eta is going to receive an award in Philadelphia for their organization at USD, and requested funds from the SGA to financially support their trip. Senate Bill No. 53, a bill to allocating funds to Lambda Pi Eta, was passed unanimously.
The Pre-Occupational Therapy Club applied for funds from SGA in order to afford equipment and tables to promote sensory integration and stimulation at the Children’s Center, according to Pre-Occupational Therapy Club president Amy Weichler. Senate Bill No. 54, a bill allocating funds to Pre-Occupational Therapy Club was passed unanimously.
Later in the meeting, Kellen Hempel, fifth-year criminal justice major and Joshua Arens, fourth-year chemistry major, were sworn in as new at-large senators.
Both Hempel and Arens said they’re excited to be part of the SGA senate.
“I am very excited to return to student government,” Hempel said. “I feel like SGA has been one of the organizations that I have been the most active in, and I feel like I’ll be able to make the most change here.”
As the meeting continued, Senate Bill No. 55 and Senate Resolution No. 19 were voted on.
Senate Bill No. 55, a bill to fund LaSO, was passed unanimously.
Senate Resolution No. 19, a resolution supporting gender inclusive facilities at USD was introduced.
Travis Letellier, visiting assistant professor of economics, and Kimberly Grieve, vice president of student services and dean of students, attended the meeting to speak on the subject.
“The goal is to start with the pilot program, and then reach out to other bathrooms across campus,” Grieve said.
Letellier went on to speak about the benefits of implementing resolution No. 19:
“The amount of support from constituents has been very positive,” he said. “If USD adopts this policy, USD would actually be considered to be the standard, and the shining example.”
The resolution wasn’t voted on, but will be brought up again in coming SGA meetings.
As the meeting came to a close, at-large senator Lucas Lund, dressed as Mickey Mouse, was voted best costume.
“Dreams really do come true,” he said.