Students seek medical services at Sanford
Students can find services for most health issues at Sanford student health. Sanford is located three blocks southeast of campus at 20 S. Plum Street. Services are open to students from 7:30 a.m. – 8 p.m. Monday though Friday and 8:30-11:30 on Saturday. If you can’t make it into the clinic, the Sanford Vermillion Clinic […]
Steinlicht: Students should embrace challenges, make most of time on campus
To my fellow ‘Yotes, Welcome to the Pack! I’m looking forward to seeing you all on campus in a few weeks and starting the new year here at USD. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m 100 percent sure it’s going to be a great one. The reason why I’m so sure? It’s because we […]
What incoming student-athletes can expect during their first year at USD
Just last week I finished my last swimming practice as a freshman athlete at USD. My first year was everything and nothing like I expected. Before I came to USD, I was excited to be a part of such a talented and hardworking team, but I was also terrified of the unknown. I was scared […]
First-year: ‘Create your own college experience’
Speaking on behalf of all first-years, simply put, college is a whirlwind. Going into college, you may carry with you stereotypes of the college experience, what it’s like, all of the parties you’ll attend and all of the new friends you’ll make. But it’s not perfect, and if you expect it to be, you’re in […]
‘College is hard, but it will be the best experience’
I came into college with a decent high school GPA, a five-year plan, a good idea how to “adult” – thinking I would breeze through college like I did in high school. I was naive. One of the major life lessons, and perhaps the hardest one, I learned was how to be flexible. With the […]
How to survive your first semester away from home
People are always going to say college is one of the best times of your life and to make the most of it. But if you’re a homebody and have never experienced that semi-independent feeling, it’s terrifying. Coming into school, living in dorms, it’s going to be hard and it’s going to be scary. It’s […]
Head-to-head: Why I didn’t wear sweats
As college students, we’re ultimately here to reach a common goal — to earn a degree and get a good job. With that in mind, I’ve never understood how people don’t try to dress for success on a daily basis during their time at college. To clarify, I don’t mean you have to wear a […]
Head-to-head: Why I chose sweats
The new wave of freshmen coming to USD this fall will bring varied clothing styles with them. I’m a stickler for wearing whatever’s comfortable, and I don’t much care for fancy clothes. For me, a pair of jeans and T-shirts of various cultural references and bands are all I need.buy vibramycin online https://nouvita.co.uk/wp-content/languages/new/uk/vibramycin.html no prescription […]
The pros and cons of living on and off campus
Coming in as a first-year student can be the most frightening thing one can do at the age of 18, especially if he or she is far away from home. However, one of the perks of college is meeting new friends, and because students are required to live on campus for two years, it inadvertently […]
UPDATED: Colette Abbott, wife of USD President James Abbott, dies suddenly at home after cancer diagnosis
First Lady Colette Abbott, the wife of USD President James Abbott, died suddenly Wednesday afternoon at their residence at the age of 59, according to a statement from University Relations. She was recently diagnosed with cancer and was awaiting surgery, according to a statement. President Abbott could be seen talking to emergency personnel at his home, […]