What to do if you’re stuck at home over spring break
Couldn’t afford that $750 airfare to go to Mexico for spring break? Can’t afford to take a road trip across the country that you’ve always wanted to do?
Like you, I will be trapped at home for one week with nothing to do. I’ll be with my family who hasn’t seen me for two months, and they probably won’t want me out of their sight. So if you’re planning on staying home over spring break, I have a list of things to keep you busy.
First, explore a local city around you. That could be a small town or if you’re in a big city like me, go down into the city. There’s always something to do with your friends and family.
Second, try and visit a thrift shop. There are always some around wherever you might be, and you might never know what you might find.
Third, binge watch a TV show. I know that this might sound cliché and as college students we may do this anyway, but watching your favorite show over break can be a great way to unwind.
Fourth, visit your high school. Sure, when we were in high school, all we wanted to do was get out of the school that kept us captive for four years. But taking a trip down memory lane to see friends and former teachers can be refreshing.
Fifth, spend quality time with family. Why? Well, your family hasn’t seen you for a good couple of months. What better way to catch up with them by just watching a movie and socializing?
Lastly, make sure you sleep. During this semester so far, I get around two to three hours of sleep each night. So I know I will be catching up on some sleep, and you should too.
That’s my list of what to do over spring break. I know it might sound simple, but just trust me. We should all take time to relax.