Trump’s proposed ‘Blue Apron boxes’ a solution to food stamp fraud
Over 45 million people in the United States are using the federal entitlement program of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps. This program is offered to low income families and individuals who cannot afford food.
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They are provided nutritional help. This sounds like a perfect plan to help low income individuals.
This program was created in 1939 as a plan for the United States to get out of the Great Depression. Produce and farm prices were going down and so that is when the government stepped in to “help.” What they did was, if individuals were purchasing one-dollar worth of orange (produce) stamps, they would get fifty cents in blue stamps from the government on all items marked as surplus food. By 1943 over 20 million people were using this federal help.
However, what I have not yet mentioned is how much SNAP is abused for the benefits of people who do not actually need this assistance. By the 1980s rolled around, it was proven that there were over one thousand convicted cases of food stamp fraud.
Today, the food stamp fraud rate is down to just around 1.5 percent. President Donald Trump seems to think that we can reduce that number by even more, and so do I. Trump proposed a plan of doing a what’s called a “Blue Apron” type of replacement.
Blue Apron means, instead of food stamps, there would be a select amount of nonperishable foods, quantity varying by household. This idea of President Trumps, formally known as the “America’s Harvest Box,” would cut fraud drastically because the food is much less valuable than food stamps. All of the time, people cheat the system and apply for food stamps when they do not need them so they can afford all of things that are wants, not needs. This would cut fraud back because they are not allowed to be so picky with the food that they are getting.
This is Trump’s prime time to make something happen because technically, SNAP is a food system and the farm bill, which deals with food programs, expires this year.
These individuals and families would still get all the items required for nutrition. Items provided to these families would be goods such as; shelf-stable milk, peanut butter, cereal, pasta, canned meat, fruit and vegetables. It would also include farm fresh fruit and vegetables from American Farms. Instead of the money that over 45 million people in the United States receive, they would be getting these boxes, if eligible.
People have less room to be picky in this situation, and if help is truly needed, there should be no complaints. President Trump is looking to help this country by getting rid of abuse. If assistance is not truly needed, then there is no need for the country to go into more debt just because people do not want to work.