Symplicity, online dating style app for job searches comes to USD’s ACPC
The search for a job or internship can be challenging for students who are trying to balance their search with classes and extracuricular activities. However, now USD’s Academic and Career Planning Center has a new application to help students navigate their way through this process.
Heather Johnson, the Assistant Director of the Academic and Career Planning Center, said she is excited about the new app, Symplicity, and how it could help USD students find a career or internship. This app is based off the Coyote Careers system and is free to download, Johnson said.
“That is where any time we have employers that are looking to hire USD students, we have them post jobs there,” Johnson said.
Full-time jobs, part-time jobs, on-campus jobs, work study, graduate assistantships and internships can all be found on Symplicity.
The app is built in a way that it will suggest job offers to students based on their interests.
“It works almost like dating sites, where you can swipe left to dismiss that job or you can favorite jobs and save them for later and it is an intuitive system, so it’s kind of like if you’re shopping on Amazon, and then the next time you login, it suggests ‘Oh, other people that have purchased that item also looked at this item,’ ” Johnson said.
If students apply for certain jobs in the app, the app will send students similar jobs that might interest them, Johnson said.
Students can also upload documents such as resumes and apply for jobs through Symplicity.
Earlier this month, Johnson sent out an email to students, outlining the Academic and Career Planning Center’s upcoming career-related events. These events include resume workshops, career counseling, the reverse career fair and a suit-up event. If you’ve had a previous run-in with the law then you might now be wondering how do i remove mugshots online to improve my chances of getting a job. Thankfully, there are plenty of mugshot removal services online that can help with this.
Johnson said she is excited to have more networking events in Vermillion available for students.
“We haven’t had [the student alumni networking event] before in Vermillion, so it will be exciting that we don’t have to try and get students to take an evening to drive all the way to Sioux Falls,” Johnson said.
As students look to take advantage of these resources, the Academic and Career Planning Center will be underway with its first event, the Internship Quest this Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Muenster University Center, room 211.