The Roast: Stop hyping “Friends.” It’s not that good.
Dear people who love “Friends,”
Look, I get it. “Friends” is a “classic.” But do you have to base your whole personality on the fact you watch the show? I mean, come on, it’s not that great. Actually, it’s not that good at all. The jokes come off as cringey and not funny. I didn’t laughed — not once — at the episodes I’ve watched. I know, disparaging pretty much everyone’s favorite sitcom is risky. But it’s genuinely hard to watch a show whose characters are so heavily based on stereotypes. Phoebe is the dumb blonde who is over-sexualized and underutilized when in reality, she’s is one of the best actors on the show. The show–fat-shaming, sexism, lack of ethnic diversity and all – didn’t age with the times at all. You can choose a better show than “Friends” to solidify your place as a 90’s kid. Please stop hyping that trash show.
– Tori Harwell, Opinion Presentation Editor