Customers are NOT always right
If you have ever worked in the food or retail industry, especially the fast-food industry, you know some of the customers who come in are simply out for blood.
My first few months into working at a Panera Bread I was cussed out for multiple minutes by a middle-aged man because we ran out of cinnamon crunch bagels.
But it is nothing in comparison to the never-ending “Karen-type” women who come in looking to tear down the store.
They complain about anything. Maybe you did not smile at them long enough while giving them their food, or maybe they received five ice cubes in their water instead of six.
The mentality of “the customer is always right” is part of what perpetuates the opportunity for customers to act as they do.
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Employees at fast-food jobs are often overworked and the jobs themselves are understaffed and simply working with what they have. And then these customers come in arguing with the employees as if they get paid enough to argue.
Employees are just employees. They are not in charge of the prices, nor do they have the power to just give you whatever you are complaining about for free. They are often working minimum wage jobs and getting hardly any tips.
And yes, workers are there to help answer your questions or correct a problem you might have had with an order, but there is a way to do so. Spoiler alert: it is not to yell or cause a scene, in case you weren’t sure.
When customers actually treated me like a human being, it was so much easier to help them with what they needed, but I do not get paid enough to help people who are blatantly rude, disrespectful and wrong.
Moral of the story? Treat fast-food and retail workers with some respect, and at the very least you won’t make their lives any harder than they need to be.