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Opinion: My Stance With New Year’s Resolutions

Right before the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve, many people pondered in deep thought and began to set resolutions on what they wanted to achieve in 2025. 

I have always been very intrigued and fascinated by New Year’s resolutions. Why must a person wait until January to make an improved change to themselves and their lives? Why can’t we appreciate the present and take informed steps towards self-success right now? After all, isn’t every day a new day, a chance to start over and be a better person than you were yesterday. 

Maybe it is the whole appeal of it all; a new year brings new opportunities and experiences. The first of January is the beginning of what could be an exciting and eventful time frame of a person’s life. As a human population, we tend to put too much emphasis on certain numbers, whether you want to admit it or not. When we see the number one, we immediately think of new beginnings, fresh starts and do-overs.

 Surprisingly enough, I did happen to set a New Year’s resolution for myself this year. I want to be more present in my life and try to savor every second, especially since this is my final semester in college. I want to treat every night as if it is New Year’s Eve since every day is a new chance to start over and begin again. Basically, I want to get the notion out of my head that you are supposed to start over at a certain time and day because you have the ability to at any time.

This is not to say that I think that setting New Year’s resolutions is necessarily a bad thing. Many people set resolutions on New Year’s Eve and are able to obtain amazing and incredible results which benefit them throughout the year.

Instead, it’s more like, if it is a random day in the middle of the year, and you suddenly want to make an improved change in your life, then I don’t think that you should wait six more months to finally act on it. You should take advantage of the present and remember that you can set resolutions at any time, not just the final day of the year.

One of my favorite sayings of all time is “Someday is Today,” and I think it perfectly sums up my final thoughts on New Year’s resolutions. So many people of us live in the future and we forget to focus on today. Please don’t wait until someday to accomplish your goals and dreams. Think about what you can do today and how that will better guide you to a brighter tomorrow and future.