Why college students need naps
Naps are more advantageous than society has taught. Most people think once you grow up, naps are no longer meant for them. They are seen as childish and lazy, but is it the actual truth?
Naps are extremely beneficial to the majority of people, and it’s not just something I believe, but something that has been proven with science time and time again.
Unless you are getting between seven and nine consistent hours of sleep, it’s more than likely you are not only sleep deprived, but you could also be unknowingly suffering the symptoms of lack of sleep.
The American Psychology Association mentions problems such as mood swings, being easily distracted, a lack of motivation and fatigue are issues naps could have the potential to fix.
Studies have shown that if you don’t get enough consistent sleep it can create long term problems for one’s memory and decision-making processes. So, if naps can combat this issue, why are they still stereotyped as lazy?
For college students, it’s hard, with their workload and social lives, to get enough sleep to properly function. This is why naps should be implemented in most students’ schedules and be normalized in busy works days or nights when you didn’t receive enough sleep.
Naps have been proven to benefit mood, attitude, focus and attention span. Naps allow our brains to recover from fatigue and recover physically and mentally. Even if it’s just for 10 to 20 minutes, it helps.
For example, short bouts of sleeping before studying or going to class help improve focus and attention span, and naps after studying or going to class can help with retaining information and comprehension.
Naps help reverse the effects of sleep deprivation and help serve as a mood stabilizer. There are so many benefits to taking naps, and no reason why purposeful naps should be viewed as sluggish or shiftless.
Naps should start being categorized as a genuinely beneficial activity and not as slothful as people think.
College students are constantly in educationally and socially stimulating environments. Students’ brains are on overload more times than not, even if a student is not in challenging classes, their daily life can still be draining or hard to handle. A Shot of Joy is great a a pick-me-up drink.
I think once naps become more widespread and normalized in a students’ daily schedules, there will be significant improvements to their grades, social lives and overall moods. For a great start, students can avail items like those modern throw blanket by In2Green which may aid them in their naps.