Professors reflect on policies barring electronics in classrooms

USD’s media and journalism department has formed a new informal policy barring students from using laptops and other electronic devices in class. The policy is voluntary, and most media and journalism professors have chosen to take part. Junior media and journalism major Kassidie Cornell said she was taken aback by the department’s decision to remove electronics […]

4 mins read

I.D. Weeks to cut subscriptions to dozens of publications

Because of skyrocketing subscription costs and budget constraints, I.D. Weeks library is in the process of cancelling its subscriptions to roughly 70 academic journals, newspapers and other publications. Dan Daily, USD’s dean of libraries, said that while he doesn’t like having to eliminate any publications, cuts had to be made somewhere to balance the library’s budget. […]

5 mins read

Almost one in three South Dakota first-years must take a remedial course

In South Dakota, roughly 30 percent of all first-year college students are deficient in their mastery of math or English or both, in many cases. Governor Daugaard addressed this issue in his State of the State Address, calling students’ unpreparedness for college coursework a “persistent problem.” Having to take remedial courses, Daugaard said, is a “lose-lose,” because […]

7 mins read

Addiction studies students have a perfect pass rate

USD’s addiction studies program, the only nationally-accredited program of its kind in the state, has perfect passing rates. Over the last two years, students in the program have had a pass rate of 100 percent. Nationally, the pass rate for addiction studies is 82 percent, said Frank Zavadil, the department chair. Addiction studies focuses on understanding […]

5 mins read

Associate professor looks to create USD sustainability graduate program

To further an effort to become a “green” university, USD is pursuing a graduate program in sustainability. Meghann Jarchow, the sustainability coordinator and associate professor is going through the motions in order to get the graduate program approved and running. Jarchow said that the process started with the grant money that was received. With that, […]

3 mins read

Student activity fee increase put on hold in light of tuition freeze

Because of wariness from the South Dakota Board of Regents to allow an increased student activity fee in the same year that in-state tuition was frozen, USD’s General Activity Fee will not continue to rise as originally anticipated. SGA President Nathaniel Steinlicht said the reason for the SDBOR’s hesitation stemmed from the fact that they didn’t like the […]

4 mins read