SGA continues debate on theater donation, begins debate on Rushmore Public Policy Institution

A potential $20,000 donation to a downtown Vermillion movie theater and funding requested by the Rushmore Public Policy Institution were the primary topics of discussion of Tuesday night’s Student Government Association meeting. SGA continued discussion on Senate Resolution #5, which would authorize SGA to make a $20,000 donation to the Vermillion Downtown Cultural Association to […]

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Anatomy of a college town

Over the summer, Vermillion was named the 45th best college town to live in forever by “Vermillion offers a great small town atmosphere with a metropolitan feel,” the site said in its description. So what makes an ideal college town? The Volante spoke with leaders in economic development at the top college towns in the […]

5 mins read

USD grant aids Native American students interested in medical field

The Sanford School of Medicine has received a $446,761 grant to provide guidance and aid to Native American high school students interested in the medical field. Funded by the National Workforce Diversity Pipeline Program, the grant will be awarded to two juniors and two seniors at Red Cloud High School on the Pine Ridge Reservation and Wagner Community School on […]

3 mins read

USD searches for funding for new supercomputer

The University of South Dakota’s supercomputer, an advanced research tool for professors and graduate students, will be replaced by early 2017. Plans for a new campus supercomputer have been in the works since the South Dakota Board of Regents awarded USD with a $200,000 Research and Development Innovation grant. The purchase will be a better, faster computer […]

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