Abbott makes plans to fundraise

University of South Dakota President James Abbott gave his annual State of the University speech in which he touched on the university’s current challenges, congratulated the university’s accomplishments and laid out his plans for future improvement. In the past, higher education from an institution has become a second option to most high school graduates because […]

1 min read

Abbott addresses $261 million fundraiser in Sept. 19 State of the University

The University of South Dakota President James Abbott gave his annual State of the University speech in Aalfs Auditorium Sept. 19 at 4 p.m. to an attentive audience, and explained a $261 million fundraising campaign for the coming year. With this campaign, Abbott said USD plans to fundraise for scholarship endowments, student enrichments, capital expansions […]

1 min read

Sorority recruitment participation surges to USD’s record high

First-year Lane Williams was one of 228 women to attend Sorority and Fraternity Life’s recruitment week this fall. A record number of women participated in recruitment week this year, more than the University of South Dakota has ever seen. According to Amber Groh, assistant director for Sorority and Fraternity Life, 228 women attended the first […]

5 mins read