Students say social change depends on education, dialogue in response to nationwide protests

A group of 250 Syracuse University students staged a “die-in” Monday, which lasted four and a half minutes to symbolize the four and a half hours Michael Brown’s body was in the streets of Ferguson, Mo., following his death. More than 150 protesters, including many UC Berkeley students, were arrested the same day following a march […]

10 mins read

USD-SDSU rivalry evolves over the years

When Dean Norberg attended the University of South Dakota in the 1970s, his friends would celebrate the rivalry between USD and South Dakota State University much differently than students do today. “We could get by with more things,” Norberg said. “There’s a lot more restrictions now than there used to be.” Norberg attended USD from 1972-76 […]

6 mins read

Chamber raises $1.67 million to increase economic development

As Vermillion city officials continue to push for economic development, students at the University of South Dakota are involving themselves in the process. Through VermillionNEXT, Young Professionals Network of Emerging Leaders, students have the opportunity to engage with professionals in the area who are between 21 and 40 years of age. “The Vermillion community has […]

4 mins read

Tiospaye extends family-like relations through taco sale

On the first Tuesday of every month, Tiospaye — a student organization at the University of South Dakota — hosts a taco sale at the Native American Cultural Center. Tiospaye, which translates to ‘extended family’ from Lakota, is geared toward Native American students who become close through fundraisers, community events, a PowWow and weekly meetings. While […]

4 mins read

SGA addresses student organization funding

Student organization members, such as sophomore Samantha Hall, the Union of African American Students secretary, came to room 216 in the Muenster University Center at 5 p.m. Oct. 29 for a financial seminar held by the Student Government Association. Senior Katie Staley, SGA’s business manager, covered questions she receives from student organizations about SGA funding. […]

2 mins read

Campaigns fuel passion for political science students

Whether it was watching her mother being active in politics or helping her grandfather, Lawrence Diedrich, a former state representative and senator who unsuccessfully ran for the U.S. House in a special election in 2004, politics run in the family for junior Ellen Nelson. “I’ve been working on political campaigns since I can remember,” Nelson […]

4 mins read

USD women’s group says ‘No More’ to Clery report findings

Junior Emily Grode, president of the Association for the Advancement of Women’s Rights, is saying “No More” to sexual violence and the underreporting of such crimes. This is why her organization is tabling for the NOMORE campaign, which raises awareness to prevent domestic violence and sexual assault, Thursday and Friday in the Muenster University Center from […]

6 mins read