Masks: Volunteering is not enough
It’s inspiring to see the students and teachers who are mask-wearers day in and day out this semester. I thought for sure I would be one of these people, but I really do enjoy going maskless. Shout out also to the retail workers—for a while we called them “essential workers”—who still wear masks for the […]
COVID-19 anti-vaccine culture and its consequences
While many students and young people in South Dakota laugh and brush off the idea of ever getting COVID-19 and the possible implications, more and more young people die every day of the disease. Yet virtually 0% of the nearly 1,700 people dying every day are currently vaccinated. Despite all of this, people still fight […]
Editorial: Smartphones are toxic to the environment
Once again, Apple has another iPhone coming out, but is it really necessary? There used to be a need to upgrade your phone every few years. New phones allowed you to use the internet instead of just calling and texting other people. Now, there isn’t a need to buy a new phone every year. Most […]
Fall is the superior season
Each year comes with four different seasons. In South Dakota, those seasons change drastically, but fall is by far the best. Fall is the season of harvest and change. The leaves are changing colors and falling. Every step you take makes a nice, crisp crunch. It makes you think about how time has changed in […]
Customers are NOT always right
If you have ever worked in the food or retail industry, especially the fast-food industry, you know some of the customers who come in are simply out for blood. My first few months into working at a Panera Bread I was cussed out for multiple minutes by a middle-aged man because we ran out of […]
Bring back reading for pleasure
Reading hasn’t been “trendy” between high school and college-age students for many years, but it is time for a change in mindset. The benefits outweigh any arising cons when considering taking reading as a hobby. Higher levels of creativity and imagination, stronger vocabulary usage, wider ranges of perspectives, enriched understanding of history and experiences, and […]
Renaissance fairs are a must see
Renaissance fairs are a must for everyone. If you have never been to one, I suggest you find the nearest one and go while you have the chance. The past few weekends, the Minnesota Renaissance Festival has been taking place. Over the weekend I went and absolutely loved it. About half of the people were […]
Art is for everyone
Art is for everyone, and everyone is a little bit of an artist. From the beginning, when we can hold a crayon in our hand, we are compelled to make art. We make marks on paper without even thinking. We use intuition and our emotions to create something abstract. As we grow we are compelled […]
Editorial: Texas abortion law causes debate throughout the nation
In the past few weeks, there has been chalk all around campus supporting both anti-abortion and abortion rights ideologies. This debate has been brought forward again because of the abortion law being put into place in Texas. The Texas law bans abortion as soon as a heartbeat is detectable, which is around six weeks for […]
C’s get degrees
The idea of “always doing more” and “bigger is better” is unrealistic. Mediocre is medium, average if you will. Most people are average, they are common and there is nothing wrong with being mediocre. Social media, news and advertisements have constantly been pushing this idea of “extraordinary.” We are constantly being shown other people doing […]