People of the Pack: Patrick Simonsen
Patrick Simonsen is a first-year musical theatre major from Viborg, SD. Sara Cappiello: What are you involved in on campus? Patrick Simonsen: I am a part of the Coyote Crazies and I am Charlie, the mascot. I haven’t been Charlie yet, but I’m one of the new people on the Spirit Squad, so I’m starting […]
People of the Pack: Tyson Newton
Tyson Newton is a first-year accounting major from Brandon, SD. Sara Cappiello: What are you involved in here on campus? Tyson Newton: I’m in Pi Kappa Alpha and I’m joining Coyote Capital Management. I’m also in Coyote Crazies. SC: How have you been adjusting to life at USD? TN: I adjusted pretty easily. I’ve always […]
People of the Pack: Samuel Uwizeyimana
Samuel Uwizeyimana is a junior philosophy major who grew up in Kenya and is from Sioux Falls. Sara Cappiello: What are you involved in here on campus? Samuel Uwizeyimana: I’m a senator for SGA(Student Government Association.) I’m the National Communication chair for Residential Housing Association so I’m on the executive board and I get to do […]
People of the Pack: Ashley Sanchez
Ashley Sanchez is a first-year nursing major from Sioux Falls. Sara Cappiello: How has your first week at USD been? Ashley Sanchez: Everything has been really exciting so far. I moved in a week early to do recruitment for the sororities and I got into Pi Beta Phi so I’m super excited. It’s overall a […]
Burgeson to give active shooter presentation
By Morgan Roberts, Sacajawea Scroll Today, delegates will attend an active shooter presentation at Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall. Lt. Michael Burgeson of the Yankton Police Department will give the demonstration. Burgeson has been traveling for four years teaching people all over the state how to react in an active shooter situation. He has spent time presenting in […]
South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard: “Be engaged. Be the government. Be the leaders.”
By Jasmine Snow, Sacajawea Scroll Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall shook with applause after South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard urged Girls State delegates to show their appreciation for the American Legion Auxiliary, counselors and all who lent to the experience of ALA South Dakota Girls State. Daugaard spoke at general assembly Friday morning and Girls Staters were […]
Donation drive collects $1,217 and other items for veterans
By Morgan Roberts, Sacajawea Scroll Every year, American Legion Auxiliary Girls State takes on a community service project. This year, much like the theme of Girls State, the community service project focused on giving back to those who have served the country. Delegates and staff were asked to bring items needed to help with programs that […]
U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem to speak with Girls Staters today
By Jasmine Snow, Sacajawea Scroll As any delegate who peaked ahead in her binder knows, U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem will speak at Saturday morning’s general assembly. In response to an email from the Sacajawea Scroll to preview Noem’s presentation, Noem’s Washington D.C. press secretary said Noem’s speech will cover her background and South Dakota priorities. “On […]
Senior Counselor Amber Alvey receives five-year pin
By Addy Nelson, Sacajawea Scroll Many high schoolers come to Girls State. Some even become junior counselors and then move up to senior counselors. This year, one senior counselor received her five-year pin for number of years serving South Dakota Girls State. Amber Alvey, senior counselor for Washington, received her five-year pin this year at Girls […]
Editorial: School-shooting coverage should focus on victims
By Sacajawea Scroll Staff Across the nation, there are students who will never again walk the halls of their high school. There are teachers who will never sit behind their desk and correct papers. With these lost lives hanging in the balance, the safety and security of our nation’s high schools are in grave danger. […]