People of the Pack: Jared Thorson
Jared Thorson is a junior from Cedar Rapids, IA, majoring in business administration. Devin Martin: What’s your favorite season and why? Jared Thorson: Easily autumn because of football. DM: So what do you have planned for autumn? Anything else besides attending the football games? JT: Just because of the weekends. You chill with your bros, and just watching Iowa […]
Player of the Pack: Eldon Warner
Eldon Warner is a junior cross country runner majoring in vocal performance. Karina Dufoe: How was the season opener, the Augustana Twilight Meet last Friday night? Eldon Warner: It started off strong. We worked together as a pack the first few laps, Luke Bailey, Issac Benz, Nate Wendt and I. We did get separated towards […]
People of the Pack: Natalie Etzel
Natalie Etzel is a junior health service administration major from Delnal, MN. Devin Martin: What are some of your hobbies? Natalie Etzel: I work at Qdoba, I work there a lot (as) a student manager. I love working out at the Wellness Center, I love being outdoors. I am originally from Minnesota. I love the lakes, the forests and […]
Player of the Pack: Ben Hammer
Karina Dufoe: What is your favorite throw and why? Ben Hammer: Discus, I’ve thrown that the most and I have been able to compete really well at it. KD: I heard you are battling through an injury right now, what is it and how are you working through it? BH: My injury, a torn labrum in […]
People of the Pack: Elizabeth Heikens
Elizabeth Heikens is a sophomore from Spencer, IA majoring in marketing and piano performance. Devin Martin: What is your favorite memory? Elizabeth Heikens: My favorite memory is definitely a lot of good childhood memories, but if I had to choose one of my favorites it would be going to my first piano recital. I really had a […]
Yankton SWAT team informs delegates with demonstration
By Keanah Lampkin Many Girls State delegates knew what the Special Weapons and Tactics Team was, but Officer Brad Parker and Sergeant Javier Murguia told them what the job really entails on Friday in Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall. During the SWAT presentation, the team kept the girls enticed by drawing them in with interaction and […]
Burgeson to give active shooter presentation Saturday
By Kenli Carlson Michael Burgeson of the Yankton Police Department wants to educate people about what to do when coming in contact with a shooter. Burgeson will give an active shooter presentation today at 9 a.m. to Girls State delegates in Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall. “I want the public to walk away with the fact […]
Presenter discusses sexual assault prevention
By Chrystina Anderson Sexual assault happens to one in four women and one in six men in their lifetime. More than half of all rapes happen to females under the age of 18. Bridget Diamond-Welch, a University of South Dakota criminal justice professor, informed delegates using these facts during a presentation Friday afternoon. Sexual assault […]
Delegates learn importance of community engagement
By Chrystina Anderson Being engaged in communities might be one of the best things delegates can do for themself and others, according to Ed Gerrish. On Friday, delegates attended an informational and interactive class about how to help engage in communities. Gerrish, a professor at the University of South Dakota, spoke to delegates about why […]
Three receive recognition for years of service at Girls State
By Haleigh Bebbington While young women from all over the state felt excitement and nervous during the South Dakota ALA Girls State session this week, a few staffers had the drills down pat. Auxiliary member Teresa Huntimer and senior counselor Laura Alexander both received their five-year pins this year, and America Legion Auxiliary member Shirley […]