Player of the Pack: Josh Hale
Josh Hale is a junior sport marketing & media major on the football team. Dustin VanHunnik: What is your favorite sport to watch? Josh Hale: Football. It’s the only sport I’ve really ever paid attention to. DV: What is your favorite USD sporting event? JH: Definitely the basketball games. The games against State are easily […]
People of the Pack: Jacey Siegfried
Jacey Siegfried is a first-year majoring in kinesiology.buy antabuse online https://blackmenheal.org/wp-content/languages/new/us/antabuse.html no prescription Cheyenne Alexis: Why did you choose your major? Jacey Siegfried: I like helping people. I’ve had experience with physical therapy and athletic trainers. I like that career, that’s why I chose it. CA: What are you most passionate about? JS: I think helping kids being able […]
Player of The Pack: Abigail Fogg
Abigail Fogg is a senior medical biology major with an art minor and is a member of the women’s basketball team. Enosh Kattinapudi: Did you ever have a pet? Abigail Fogg: I used to have some. When I was young I had a black labrador and a husky. EK: What would be an ideal pet for […]
People of the Pack: Chris Prosch
Chris Prosch is a senior from Estelline, S.D. majoring in political science and communication studies. Morgan Matzen: What are your career goals? Chris Prosch: I want to own my own business and be a politician. MM: What kind of business do you want to own? CP: My own equity firm specializing mostly in investments. MM: […]
Player of the Pack: Chris Nilsen
Chris Nilsen is a freshman pole vaulter on the track and field team. Clay Conover: What do you think about international recruiting? Chris Nilsen: I think it’s one part unfair because you can recruit someone from another country as a 22-year-old and they’ll come in as a freshman. They have eligibility for another four of five years, […]
People of the Pack: Brandis Williams
Brandis Williams is a junior nursing major from Vermillion. Morgan Matzen: What is it like living in Vermillion and then still coming here for school? Brandis Williams: It’s completely different. That’s what I tell everyone. Campus life is so different than Vermillion. We’re from Vermillion, but we rarely go on campus when you’re from here. School is […]
Player of the pack: Maria Pandya
Maria Pandya is a sophomore French major with a music minor and a member of the women’s tennis team. Enosh Kattinapudi: What is an interest of yours apart from tennis? Maria Pandya: Music is definitely the main thing apart from my sport. EK: What makes music such a big part of your life? MP: I […]
People of the Pack: Madeline Huglen
Madeline Huglen is a sophomore nursing student from Roseau, MN. Morgan Matzen: What are your career goals? Madeline Huglen: I want to be a nurse somewhere, but I don’t really know what kind of area. I just want to help people and watch them achieve their goals and get better. MM: Where do you want […]
Player of the Pack: Brady Saunders
Brady Sauders is a junior nursing major and captain of the USD diving team. Enosh Kattinapudi: What is your favorite USD sport to watch besides your own? Why? Brady Sauders: I would say basketball. It’s a fun sport to watch and to play. EK: Would you play that sport if you were able to? BS: […]
People of the Pack: Alex Newcomb-Weiland
People of the Pack: Alex Newcomb-Weiland Alex Newcomb-Weiland is a sophomore majoring in musical theater. Cheyenne Alexis: What do you hope to do with your major? Alex Newcomb-Weiland: I have no idea. Musical theater is kind of hard to do in the world. I would like to maybe go to New York possibly. If I don’t succeed […]