Girls State nearly 70 years strong
By Anna Koeppe As the 2015 week of South Dakota Girls State draws to an end, the organization is approaching its seventieth year anniversary in 2016. South Dakota Girls State, in particular, has retained a copious amount of qualities that have helped to spur it on to such a milestone. “I’ve heard for years and […]
From expectations to reality: A week at Girls State is a week to remember
By Molly Graesser Opening the Girls State acceptance letter was an exciting moment for the delegates across South Dakota. At that point, for me, the fear set in. I began contemplating these completely irrational “what if” statements in my head. I felt severely uneducated in all aspects of government and journalism. I had this strange […]
Differences seen in Boys State
By Kate Finley, Elyse Helkenn, Brianna Schreurs Boys Sate rumors have been circulating since the beginning of Girls State. What do delegates at Boys State do? Do they attend seminars? Do they campaign? Do they really swim all day? Do they do what Girls State delegates do? These questions have been asked numerous times. That […]
Johnson speaks to encourage girls
By Madison Rost On Friday morning, Dusty Johnson, of Mitchell, South Dakota, spoke to Girls State delegates about his scars and their stories, along with the mistakes that led to them. The former chair of SD Public Utilities Committee and former Chief of Staff to SD Governor Dennis Daugaard, he currently works at a consulting […]
Monson takes on governor legacy in 2016
By Jordann Krouse Yesterday’s general assembly revealed Allyson Monson as elected governor. A federalist hailing from the city of Seattle, Monson attributes her win to those around her and Tiffnay Newman, her senior counselor. Originally from Clark, South Dakota, Monson attends Clark High School. A small town of about 12,000 people, Clark has a large […]
Roche delivers thought-provoking speech
By Jordann Krouse Thursday, June 4, Michael Roche, a University of South Dakota criminal justice professor, spoke to delegates about the importance of life and finding meaning within oneself. He told anecdotes from personal experiences to further embellish his arguments. One of the main stories Roche discussed was the time he heard Mother Teresa speak. […]
Morning runners switch things up with volleyball game
By Elyse Helkenn Every morning at 6 a.m., Girls State had a run led by Jordan Bremer of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, for anyone willing to come. As Thursday’s group of only nine girls discovered today, it doesn’t always have to be a mile run in 20 minutes. As the girls stretched and anticipated […]
Delegates learn about drug dogs through demonstration
By Kate Finley The drug dog demonstration proved to be a real treat for the Girls State delegates in attendance Thursday. The South Dakota Highway Patrol brought in a drug-detecting dog to present the facts behind the drug-detecting process.buy furosemide online https://www.bodybuildingestore.com/wp-content/languages/new/engl/furosemide.html no prescription Officer Trent Heuertz has been a Highway Patrolman for fourteen years […]
Encouragement comes from women leaders
By Mikaela Neubauer During yesterday’s morning general assembly, Girls State delegates were honored to hear two powerful female speakers; coincidentally they were both named “Kim.” Kim Olson, director for Senator Mike Rounds, and Kim Malsam-Rysdon, South Dakota Secretary of Health, focused their speeches on mentorship, women in the professional world and the opportunities found in […]
Realizing the value and importance of Girls State
By Madison Rost I asked “What do you think Journalism City actually does besides go to flag raising and lowering, general assembly and have the ability to eat first?” Delegates Emily Hanson and Ellie Swanson responded, “You guys write the wonderful newspaper,” and “You guys take pictures, and have to fill the articles out.” The […]