Encouragement comes from women leaders
2 mins read

Encouragement comes from women leaders

By Mikaela Neubauer

During yesterday’s morning general assembly, Girls State delegates were honored to hear two powerful female speakers; coincidentally they were both named “Kim.”

Kim Olson, director for Senator Mike Rounds, and Kim Malsam-Rysdon, South Dakota Secretary of Health, focused their speeches on mentorship, women in the professional world and the opportunities found in South Dakota.

“If you’re in that woman minority, it is hard not to be pegged as the voice of all women,” Olson said.

Both speakers encouraged delegates to become active in public service. They stressed that women need the chance to show that we too are capable of making decisions and representing the needs of not just women, but of our state as a whole.

“We need you. We need you to lean in. We need strong women leaders,” Olson said.

One way to achieve this strength and increased involvement is through mentorship. By listening to and learning from others and also by being a role model for others, women can achieve far greater than was ever previously imagined.

“As girls, we need to be supportive of each other,” Olson said. “Don’t try to go it alone.”

Lastly, Olson and Malsam-Rysdon highlighted the likelihood one has to excel in a career in South Dakota. The “quality of life” found here allowed Olson to develop a sturdier family life. For both, the small state atmosphere gave them a chance to really hear what the people had to say and make a difference in the lives of real South Dakotans.

“I felt disconnected,” Olson said. “I had a hard time finding an actual application of how it impacted (South Dakotan) lives.”

Delegates also got to hear how these women became interested in politics and who inspired them to work to make their state a better place.

“My whole career, in fact, has been about serving others through policy within state government,” Malsam-Rysdon said. “You get to make a difference for other people, who, without your help might have a worse day, worse week, worse year. You get to help people be the best they can be and there’s nothing more rewarding.”

Female leadership in the future is greatly needed and these speakers reminded the Girls State delegates to use their talents to aid our nation in the best way that they can.

“You’re young. You’re ambitious. Use that,” Malsam-Rysdon said. “Be prepared to work hard if you want to be a true leader.”

(Photo: Olson, left, and Malsam-Rysdon, right, graced the stage during general assembly to talk to delegates about females in politics, among other things. Morgan Fischer / Sacajawea Scroll)