People of the Pack: Jean Paul
Jean Paul graduated from USD in the fall of 2013 with a master’s degree in interdisciplinary studies. He came to the United States from Cameroon in Central Africa in 2004. NK: What do you want to do in the future? JP: I would like to be a soccer coach. I would like to do professional. […]
People of the Pack: Andy Schultz
Andy Schultz is a senior studying strategic communication. What do you like about USD? “The atmosphere, the small town feeling. Everybody’s friendly and it’s easy to know a lot of people.” Why do you decide to come here? “It was cost-effective. I had a couple friends that went here, but mostly for the money. It […]
People of the Pack: Lexy Tuttle
Tell me about something in your life that you’re most proud of. “Within the last year, my mom passed away and it was a total shock. She wasn’t sick or anything — it was an accident. Being able to move past that with my family and getting closer to my dad as a result, and […]
People of the Pack: Brian Griffin
Brian Griffin is a first year law student at the University of South Dakota. He is from Jacksonville, Florida. In high school, he made a big impact with a small act of kindness. Why did you start saying “hi” to five new people each day? “I randomly saw this person just sitting by (herself) and […]
People of the Pack: Nikki Koehler
Nikki Koehler is a first-year studying dental hygiene. Why did you choose dental hygiene? “I went to the dentist one day and he asked me what my major was. I said I didn’t know and he was like you should look at dental hygiene. I did and I liked it a lot.” What do you […]
People of the Pack: Juan Correal
Juan Correal is a sophomore from Colombia. He is studying geology. What do you think about South Dakota? “I like it. It’s way different. People are super friendly.” Has it been easy for you to adjust here? “At the beginning it was really hard, because you’re by yourself and you’re all alone. You don’t know […]
USD-SDSU rivalry evolves over the years
When Dean Norberg attended the University of South Dakota in the 1970s, his friends would celebrate the rivalry between USD and South Dakota State University much differently than students do today. “We could get by with more things,” Norberg said. “There’s a lot more restrictions now than there used to be.” Norberg attended USD from 1972-76 […]
Despite “rivalry,” college romances blossom
University of South Dakota junior Brian Juran and South Dakota State University sophomore Shannon Duxbury have dealt with the USD-SDSU rivalry much more than most college students. Juran, a kinesiology major from Burke, S.D., and Duxbury, who is from Wessington, S.D., have been dating for a little more than four months. Their relationship started out in a […]
Students, faculty and alumni show school spirit at rally
University of South Dakota students, faculty and alumni joined together outside of the Muenster University Center on Friday evening for a pep rally to get in the mood for tomorrow’s game. Football head coach Joe Glenn took the time to thank students for all of their support and challenge them to help cheer the team […]
USD, community complete D-Days Fun Run
University of South Dakota students, faculty, staff and Vermillion community members participated in the third annual Dakota Days Fun Run Oct. 9 The runners started the event by walking from the Wellness Center to the Muenster University Center where they proceeded to do a short Zumba activity. After Zumba, participants then ran the perimeter of the […]