Managing college stress

Between paying for books, meeting new friends and keeping up on homework, it can be difficult to remember to stay mentally and physically healthy. Here are a few tips to manage college stress. Take advantage of the Student Counseling Center. It’s located inside of the Cook House near the Arts and Sciences Building. The center […]

1 min read

Surviving your first semester

Move in day has finally arrived, you are finally moved in to your dorm, have slightly conversed with your roommate, and your parents have gone home. Now what? You are finally alone on campus with your class schedule and a weekend full of events before the semester begins. My first piece of advice? Attend all […]

4 mins read

Cooking in the dorms

Going from living with your parents for the last 18 years to living on your own can be a very exciting transition but it also comes with one major downfall: the end of unlimited groceries. Your dorm room is your new home and your new home definitely doesn’t have as much room and space as […]

3 mins read