Head-to-head: Drug testing welfare recipients with resonable cause is beneficial, not a waste of state money

South Dakota’s state legislature recently voted against a bill that would require all welfare recipients to pass a drug test in certain situations before receiving public benefits. House Bill 1174, introduced by Rep. Nark Venner, would’ve mandated welfare recipients to pass a drug test based on reasonable cause. While this bill won’t go into effect, […]

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Head-to-head: Drug testing welfare recipients a waste of time, unconstitutional, unfair to those in need of welfare

In late January there was a push in Pierre to institute a bill that would require individuals who receive food stamps or cash assistance to pass a drug test before receiving benefits. Such a plan would be a disastrous waste of time and money for several reasons. Legally, it’s unconstitutional. Several court cases have determined […]

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Zika virus is a serious threat to the health of the international population

Be appreciative the only virus USD students are concerned about is influenza. Brazil, on the other hand, isnt’ so lucky. With the recent outbreak of the Zika virus, transmitted through infected mosquitoes, the World Health Organization has classified this epidemic as a global health emergency. Travel alerts are already in effect for more than 20 […]

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State legislature’s failure to treat transgenders equally is shameful

The LGBTQ+ community is a group of individuals just like anyone else. However, they’re also a group of individuals who go through more than many others have to. This community constantly faces discrimination that is both undeserved and unnecessary. The transgender community specifically has most recently been the target of discrimination by South Dakota state […]

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Editorial: Good Samaritan laws helpful to preventing loss of lives from overdoses and accidents

Many times, intoxicated and underage people aren’t keen on calling an ambulance for any alcohol or drug-related emergencies such as overdosing because they’re afraid to get into any police-related trouble. Ways to alleviate this fear and help victims of overdoses are 911 Good Samaritan laws, which “protect people from arrest and prosecution for drug possession […]

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Head-to-head: Early-voting states help candidates boost poll numbers, crucial to electoral process

Presidential primaries have begun, and New Hampshire and Iowa have been receiving a lot of time in the media spotlight. It may be early, but these states are very important and deserve the attention they receive. Iowa and New Hampshire are definitely not 100 percent predictive of who will be the eventual nominee for each […]

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