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COLUMN: College a chapter in life

Life is a story. As with any story, there are chapters. Assuming your next chapter is attending college somewhere, this will be the unfolding of a portion of the drama in your life. Be aware that you are a piece in a grand play. This play is life. Knowing this, you can bring a sense of lightness and delight into what you do.

Now you’ve already sensed the oddity of what I’ve just said, but do follow me; I have some practical advice to impart to you before you arrive wherever life takes you. First, wherever you are, be there. Be total in what you do, put your all into it. Above all, enjoy yourself while you’re doing it.

Notice the fact that you’ll have to know yourself, adequately, before this is possible. You’ve been told what to do all your life, but now it is entirely your choice as to what you do. You are free. The question now is what you will do with it.

Will you pursue music? Or art? Or business? Or athletics? The list goes on, but some things will stick out to you and others will be lost around the periphery. Be conscious of those aspects of life that you gravitate toward. Naturally, these will be things that fulfill you. In this process of self-discovery you’ll find what you’re passionate about. Our world is ours to make.

Go out and do something. Be open and receptive to new ideas, expand your mind and learn new things. Constantly create yourself through your will. Go willingly into a future of yourself. Find joy in being yourself and doing what you want.

Live for yourself. You make the impact by finding what you love and doing that. Life is not about fame or gain. Life is about self-knowledge and authentic maturity. Concern yourself with yourself. From there you can help people and go far in life.