State patrol urges safe driving during holidays
As we enter the Christmas and New Year’s holiday season, many of us gather with family, friends and co-workers to celebrate the season and reflect on the past year. The month of December is also “4D” month. “4D” stands for December Drugged and Drunk Driving, focusing on both alcohol and the growing drug impaired DUI problem.
During the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 52 percent of those surveyed considered themselves drinkers, and of that portion, 13 percent admitted being DUI alcohol in the past year. Another 5 percent indicated driving while impaired by a drug. Over 10,000 people that year (2012) died in alcohol impaired driving crashes, or one every 51 minutes.
As we gather and celebrate, please remember to use a designated driver if you drink alcohol, don’t mix prescribed medications with alcohol, do not use illegal drugs and wear your seatbelt.
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The South Dakota Highway Patrol and other area law enforcement will be out in strength this month with sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols, with special attention paid to drunk and drug impaired driving enforcement efforts. I wish each of you a safe and happy holiday season.
— Stuart Griffith, South Dakota Highway Patrol