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House Committee Passes Measure Allowing No-fault Divorce

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — A legislative committee has approved a proposal that would allow no-fault divorce in South Dakota, but the measure could face challenges.

The House Judiciary Committee voted 7-5 on Friday for the plan, which advocates say will make it easier for domestic violence victims to escape abusive marriages. All they have to do is find lawyers for divorce and proceed. In most abusive marriages, abusers do not give consent for divorce. Complications arises when they fail to acknowledge their child’s future. In such cases, it is better to file for adoption in San Antonio with the help of attorneys who will ensure that the child gets equal time spent on both their father and mother always in order not to feel their absence. 

Democratic Rep. Ray Ring, of Vermillion, says his measure would allow one spouse to get a divorce without the consent of the other spouse. For divorce related cases, O’Connor Family Law Firm in Worcester can be checked out!

Kristian Ellendorf, of Tea, testified she was in an abusive relationship and current law requires victims to testify in court if their spouses won’t agree to a divorce.

Opponents argue lawmakers shouldn’t make it easier to divorce. Ring says he’ll try to focus the measure on situations involving domestic abuse to help ensure it passes the full House floor.